Root Canal Cover-Up Exposed -
By Dr. Karen Shrimplin
Dr. Price found many types of degenerative diseases, including endocarditis, other heart diseases, kidney and bladder diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, mental diseases, lung problems and other degenerative diseases could be transferred to laboratory animals. He also found that a large percentage of patients recovered from their illnesses after the root filled teeth were extracted.
The primary bacteria in root canals found by Dr. Price included streptococcus, staphylococcus, and spirochetes. He found 90 percent of bacteria in the teeth that produced the patients' acute diseases in the animals were streptococcus, and 65.5 percent of the time they belonged to the fecalis family. Bacteriologists today have confirmed that Price's discoveries were accurate.
The hard, solid appearing dentin, which makes up the majority of the tooth's structure, is actually made up of microscopic tubules that transport nutrients from the tooths blood supply to all parts of the tooth. In spite of the seeming success of root canal therapy, Price discovered that the bacteria that caused the infection penetrated most of the dentin tubules and were not destroyed during the supposed sterilization process during root canal therapy. In addition, he found these bacteria to be polymorphic - they mutated, became smaller in size, thrived in the absence of oxygen, became more virulent, and their toxins became more poisonous. Dr. Price did further research and found that bacteria trapped in the roots of teeth did not escape through the cementum, which covers the dentin; however, the toxins generated by the bacteria were able to pass through the cementum. He also found the bacteria escaped into the bloodstream through minuscule spaces in all root canal filling materials.
Although many dentists believe that the sterilizing medicaments they are using in root canal therapy are very efficient, through the use of several tests, Dr. Price found that after 24-48 hours the medicaments lost their disinfecting ability. Even extracted teeth, which were heat sterilized, did not remain sterile. More disconcerting was the discovery that bacteria were not only present in the roots of the teeth and cementum, but they were also in the first few millimeters of adjacent bone in the jaw.
After reviewing the scientific literature, Price found information about blood changes that occurred in patients with root canals to be nonexistent, so he took it upon himself to conduct extensive blood studies of patients and animals to determine the side effects of root canals. After performing thousands of tests, he found the following results:
- Lymphocytes increased in humans and increased 58% in rabbits.
- Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, a form of white blood cells, decreased in humans and in animals to 33% less than normal.
- Hemoglobin changed very little, either up or down.
- Hemophilia, a tendency to hemorrhage, occurred frequently in rabbits
- Increased amounts of sugar were found in the blood.
- In some rabbits, high amounts of ionic calcium were found; but in most rabbits, calcium was lower, resulting in 15 to 20 different pathologic conditions.
- There was increased uric acid and nitrogen retention.
- Alkaline reserves decreased, resulting in acidosis.
- Some patients and all animals lost weight.
On the other hand, the condensing osteitis cases proved to be quite different. In depth studies and patient histories revealed these individuals suffered more serious consequences from their infections; the immune system was not in control of the infection process, and the body was trying to wall off the infected area with dense bone to contain the infection. However, the tissue at the root end was incapable of controlling the bacterial growth in these cases, and consequently some bacteria escaped through the blood stream and set up diseases in other areas of the body.
The organisms that cause dental infections generally do not attack specific organs or tissues, as do bacteria that cause measles, mumps, smallpox, etc. When dental infections seem to target a specific set of tissues or organ, usually that tissue is already compromised and the patient is experiencing difficulties in that tissue or has experienced prior difficulties. When the cause of an illness is a focal infection from a tooth, tonsil, tonsil tag or cavitation, and the source of the infection is removed, the acute problem usually disappears or is ameliorated.
There are several basic problems with root canals:
- Inability to sterilize dentinal tubules.
- Inability of root canal filling material to completely fill and seal all canals and the root tip.
- Inability to sterilize the bone around the infected tooth.
Price found that the heart and circulatory system was the organ most often attacked by root canal bacteria. He mentioned sixteen different heart and circulatory disease conditions as problems occurring as side effects from the presence of root canal filled teeth. The major cause for infective endocarditis, according to the Mayo Clinic Health Letter in 1986, was the streptococcus veridans family of bacteria; the same one Price found most often was involved with infected teeth. It has also been observed that patients with cavitations in wisdom teeth areas often experience cardiac difficulties.
When Price realized the tremendous detrimental health impact of root canals, he then turned to solving the problem. His approach to solving this problem was to prevent it from occurring by eliminating tooth decay. He then proceeded to conduct thousands of blood and saliva experiments on humans and animals to determine the causes of tooth decay. Dr. Price discovered the two basic causes of tooth decay were:
- The changing acid-base balance of saliva from its normal alkaline status to one of acidity.
- The lowering of the ionic calcium levels in both the blood and the saliva.
Unfortunately, many dentists today are pushing the use of fluoride to prevent dental caries and have failed to see that the tooth decay process is systemic, not just local in nature. They often do not understand that the ingestion of white flour products, sugar, refined grains and other similar products cause acidity of the saliva and lower calcium values. Although the hope is that in the future we will be able to eradicate infection in dentin tubules, disinfect surrounding bone and safely save teeth, the prevention of tooth decay and periodontal disease should be our immediate and primary goal.
Excerpts from OPTIONS the Alternative Cancer Therapy Book
A pioneer in alternative cancer treatment, Josef Issels, M.D. of Germany achieved remarkable remissions, even in advanced cancer patients through a combination of therapies. The methods he employed included removing sties of "focal infection," such as infected teeth and tonsils. He believed they release toxins into the system that lower resistance and trigger disease. His experience showed a direct connection between dental and tonsillar foci and many of the illnesses responsible for early debilitation and untimely invalidizing. A survey conducted at his clinic found that on admission 90% of the adult cancer patients had between two and ten dead teeth. Very often he was confronted with x-ray negative dead teeth, root remnants and residual ostitis which had not been diagnosed and therefore, had not been removed.In a 1987 speech delivered in New York City, he also stressed the value of removing amalgam fillings and teeth whose dead pulp had been removed by root canal treatment. He said, "I do not recommend that healthy tonsils and teeth be removed, but I believe that if they are diseased, they cause the body's natural resistance to be lowered, thus acting as an important contributory factor to tumor development. In these cases I insist on their removal." He also commented, "It is not out of the realm of possibility that dental metals are related to an increase of cancer in the U.S. today through their influence on dedifferentiation in rapidly growing cells and through suppression of the body's immune system. Continuous exposure to electric currents, as occurs with amalgams, is known to stress the endocrine glands, decrease the activity of the immune system and may enhance certain viruses and bacteria."
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